Oracle sink connector Use the Oracle Sink Connector to get data from your Decodable streams to your Oracle Database. Currently, it only works with non-CDB deployments. Support for container databases (CDB) is forthcoming. Features Delivery guarantee Exactly once Read from multiple streams Yes Prerequisites The Oracle database must be accessible from the Decodable network. You must have an Oracle user that’s granted the following privileges: GRANT CREATE SESSION TO <your_user>; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO <your_user>; Steps If you want to use the Decodable CLI or API to create the connection, you can refer to the Property Name column for information about what the underlying property names are. The connector name is oracle. From the Connections page, select Oracle and complete the following fields. UI Field Property Name Description Host hostname The host name for your Oracle database. Port port Optional. The port number to use when connecting to the host. Defaults to 1521. Service Name service-name The TNS service name for the database instance or container you are connecting to. This or the SID must be specified, but not both. System Identifier (SID) sid The identifier for the database instance or container you are connecting to. This or the Service Name must be specified, but not both. Username username The username to use to authenticate to Oracle. Password password The password associated with the username. This must be provided as a secret resource. Select Next. The next screen shows the list of Decodable streams in your account. Select the streams that you want to send to Oracle. Decodable automatically creates a table in your database for each stream selected. The new tables will be created in the schema defined by the username. By default, Decodable uses the stream name as the name of the table it creates. If a table already exists with that name and the schema of the stream matches the schema of the table, Decodable will write to the existing table. Each stream’s schema is automatically translated to Oracle, including: field names data types (See Data types mapping for how Decodable types map to Oracle types) primary keys (Optional) If you want to rename the tables to be created, you can override the generated table names. Select Next. Give the newly created connection a Name and Description. Then, select Save. Connector starting state and offsets A new sink connection will start reading from the Latest point in the source Decodable stream. This means that only data that’s written to the stream when the connection has started will be sent to the external system. You can override this when you start the connection to Earliest if you want to send all the existing data on the source stream to the target system, along with all new data that arrives on the stream. When you restart a sink connection it will continue to read data from the point it most recently stored in the checkpoint before the connection stopped. You can also opt to discard the connection’s state and restart it afresh from Earliest or Latest as described above. Learn more about starting state here. Data types mapping The table below shows the mapping from Decodable data types to Oracle data types. Oracle also allows columns to be declared with ANSI data type names but uses a corresponding Oracle data type internally. For more information, see the Oracle docs. Decodable Type Oracle Type CHAR(n) (1 <= n <= 2000) NCHAR(n) CHAR(n) (n > 2000) NCLOB VARCHAR(n) (1 <= n <= 4000) NVARCHAR2(n) VARCHAR(n) (n > 4000) NCLOB STRING NCLOB BOOLEAN NUMBER(1) BINARY(n) (1 <= n <= 2000) RAW(n) BINARY(n) (n > 2000) LONG RAW VARBINARY(n) LONG RAW DECIMAL(p, s) NUMBER(p,s) TINYINT NUMBER(3) SMALLINT NUMBER(5) INT/INTEGER NUMBER(10) BIGINT NUMBER(19) FLOAT BINARY_FLOAT DOUBLE [PRECISION] BINARY_DOUBLE DATE DATE TIMESTAMP(p) [WITHOUT TIME ZONE] (p = 0) DATE TIMESTAMP(p) [WITHOUT TIME ZONE] (0 < p <= 9) TIMESTAMP(p) TIMESTAMP(p) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE (0 <= p <= 9) TIMESTAMP(p) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE TIMESTAMP_LTZ(p) (0 <= p <= 9) TIMESTAMP(p) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE Resource specifier keys When using the connection scan command of the Decodable CLI to create a connection specification, the following resource specifier keys are available: Name Description table-name The table name