Type conversion functions SQL Function Description CONV(number, base, newBase) Converts a number represented as a string from one base to another. For example: Returns CONV('42', 10, 16) 2A (of type STRING) BINARY_HEX(byteArray) Converts the byte[] byteArray to a hexadecimal string. If byteArray is NULL the result is NULL. For example: Returns BINARY_HEX(CAST('sql' AS BYTES)) 73716c (of type STRING) CAST(value AS type) Returns a new value being cast to type type. For example: Returns CAST('42' AS INT) 42 CAST(NULL AS VARCHAR) NULL (of type VARCHAR) TRY_CAST(value AS type) Like CAST, but in case of error, returns NULL rather than failing. For example: Returns TRY_CAST('42' AS INT) 42 TRY_CAST(NULL AS STRING) NULL (of type STRING) TRY_CAST('non-number' AS INT) NULL (of type INT) COALESCE(TRY_CAST('non-number' AS INT), 0) 0 (of type INT) TYPEOF(input) TYPEOF(input, force_serializable) Returns the string representation of input expression’s data type. By default, the returned string is a summary string that might omit certain details for readability. If force_serializable is set to TRUE, the string represents a full data type that can be persisted in a catalog. Note that especially anonymous, inline data types have no serializable string representation. In this case, NULL is returned. For example: SELECT CAST('42' AS VARCHAR), TYPEOF(CAST('42' AS VARCHAR)), TRY_CAST('non-number' AS INT), TYPEOF(TRY_CAST('non-number' AS INT)); returns: +--------+-----------------+--------+--------+ ¦ 42 ¦ STRING NOT NULL ¦ <NULL> ¦ INT ¦ +--------+-----------------+--------+--------+