Redpanda sink connector Features Connector name redpanda Delivery guarantee At least once Supported task sizes S, M, L Multiplex capability A single instance of this connector can write to a single topic. Supported stream types Append stream Configuration properties Property Description Required Default Connection bootstrap.servers A comma-separated list of your Redpanda brokers. You must enter at least one broker. Enter each broker in the format: <host>:<port>. The broker list can’t contain any spaces. Yes security.protocol Specify the security protocol to use when connecting to a broker. Must be one of the following: PLAINTEXT TLS SASL_SSL SASL_PLAINTEXT See the Security protocols section for more information about these protocols. For the additional fields that you’ll need to fill out if you want to secure your connection with TLS or SASL Authentication. — PLAINTEXT Data topic The name of the topic to write data to. Yes key.format The format for the key, if present, in the Redpanda message. Must be one of: avro avro-confluent (see below for further properties) json debezium-json raw See Serialization formats for more details. — key.fields A list of the key’s field names, delimited by semicolons, that comprise the message key. For nested fields specify the root key only, and the nested fields as part of the connection’s schema. — value.format The format for the value payload in the Redpanda message. Must be one of: avro avro-confluent (see below for further properties) json debezium-json debezium-avro-confluent raw See Serialization formats for more details. — Format: Avro avro-confluent.schema-registry.url The URL of the schema registry to use. Yes avro-confluent.basic-auth.credentials-source The source of the authentication credentials to use, if required. Must be one of: USER_INFO SASL_INHERIT. Typically USER_INFO is used most often when schema registry authentication is enabled. — avro-confluent.basic-auth.user-info The authentication credentials to use, if credentials are to be used. This must be provided as a secret resource. The contents should be in the form username:password. — avro-confluent.long-schema-id Whether to parse the schema ID a LONG. Set this to true for reading and writing Apicurio-style payloads rather than the Confluent default. If set to false then the schema id is read as an INTEGER. — false Security: SASL sasl.mechanism Specify the SASL mechanism as configured by the Redpanda broker. Valid values are: PLAIN SCRAM-SHA-256 SCRAM-SHA-512 Yes sasl.username The username or API key for authentication. Yes sasl.password The secret associated with your provided API key. This must be provided as a secret resource. Yes Security: TLS The public certificate for the broker used to encrypt traffic to Decodable. Yes tls.client.key The secret associated with the client TLS key used by mTLS connections. The key must be an unencrypted key in PKCS#8 format. This must be provided as a secret resource. Only required for mTLS tls.client.certificate The client certificate signed by the broker. You must use the Decodable CLI to specify the client certificate. See here for more details. Serialization formats The following formats are supported: Format Description json JSON data raw Raw (byte based) values as a single column. avro Plain Avro data using the schema defined when you create the connection avro-confluent Avro data using a predefined schema store in a schema registry. debezium-json A unified format schema for changelogs with additional support for serializing messages using JSON. Select this option or debezium-avro-confluent if you want to send Change Data Capture (CDC) data through this connector. debezium-avro-confluent A unified format schema for changelogs with additional support for serializing messages using Avro with the schema held in a schema registry. Select this option or debezium-json if you want to send Change Data Capture (CDC) data through this connector. Avro A popular choice for data serialization on Redpanda is Apache Avro. Decodable supports both plain Avro, as well as Avro with a schema registry. In order to use plain Avro (without the schema held in a Schema Registry) the Avro schema is generated from the connection schema, and is available on the inferred_schema connection property. For example: $ decodable connection get 69caa7e1 avro_test_sink id 69caa7e1 description A Redpanda sink connection with plain Avro schema connector redpanda type sink stream id 865e8555 schema 0 field1 INT NOT NULL 1 field2 DOUBLE NOT NULL 2 field3 STRING NOT NULL properties bootstrap.servers broker.svc.cluster.local:9092 format avro inferred_schema {"type":"record","name":"record","fields":[{"name":"field1","type":"int"},{"name":"field2","type":"double"},{"name":"field3","type":"string"}]} topic avro_topic […] Avro with Schema Registry In this mode, the Avro schema is still derived from the connection schema, but it’s validated and registered against the configured schema registry. To use Avro with a Schema Registry such as Confluent’s, additional connection properties are required. These can be specified when you create the connection, if using the CLI or API. If you create the connection through the UI you will need to use the CLI/API to update the connection to add the necessary properties. For example, to create a sink Redpanda connection reading Avro messages using a secured schema registry using the CLI: decodable connection create \ --name avro_registry_sink \ --description "A Redpanda sink connection with SASL auth and a schema registry" \ --type sink \ --stream-id 295e2a7f \ --connector redpanda \ --prop bootstrap.servers="" \ --prop topic="my-topic" \ --prop value.format=avro-confluent \ --prop avro-confluent.schema-registry.url="" \ --prop avro-confluent.basic-auth.credentials-source=USER_INFO \ --prop avro-confluent.basic-auth.user-info="my-registry-user:my-registry-password" Security protocols Decodable supports four different security protocols for accessing Redpanda brokers. Security protocol Description SASL-authenticated Username and password authentication is used with SASL. Both SSL/TLS and PLAINTEXT encryption is supported, as well as SCRAM and PLAIN authentication mechanisms. mTLS-authenticated Two-way SSL authentication is used, so that Decodable and the Redpanda brokers authenticate each other using the SSL protocol. Additionally, the connection is encrypted using SSL. TLS-authenticated One-way SSL authentication is used. The client (Decodable) holds the server’s (Redpanda brokers) public certificate. Data from the Redpanda brokers is encrypted using the server’s private key and Decodable can decrypt it using the public certificate. Data from Decodable is encrypted using the public certificate and can only be decrypted using the Redpanda broker’s private key. Unauthenticated No authentication takes place between Decodable and the Redpanda brokers. The connection isn’t encrypted. Because Redpanda is fully compatible with Apache Kafka, the configuration required to process data from Redpanda into Decodable is the same as when you process data from Kafka. For detailed instructions on how to create a TLS or mTLS secured connection between Redpanda and Decodable, see the following topics: How to set up SASL Authentication with Kafka. How to set up TLS Encryption with Kafka. How to set up Mutual TLS Authentication with Kafka. Connector starting state and offsets A new sink connection will start reading from the Latest point in the source Decodable stream. This means that only data that’s written to the stream when the connection has started will be sent to the external system. You can override this when you start the connection to Earliest if you want to send all the existing data on the source stream to the target system, along with all new data that arrives on the stream. When you restart a sink connection it will continue to read data from the point it most recently stored in the checkpoint before the connection stopped. You can also opt to discard the connection’s state and restart it afresh from Earliest or Latest as described above. Learn more about starting state here.