Redpanda source connector

Use the Redpanda connector to get data from a Redpanda topic into Decodable. If you are looking for information about how to create a connection to get data into Redpanda from Decodable, see Redpanda sink connector.


Delivery guarantee

At least once or exactly once, based on configuration


If you want to use TLS or mTLS to secure the connection between Decodable and Redpanda, then you must have a self-signed or third-party signed server certificate and a private key associated with that server certificate.

Because Redpanda is fully compatible with Apache Kafka, the configuration required to process data from Redpanda into Decodable is the same as when you process data from Kafka. For detailed instructions on how to create a TLS or mTLS secured connection between Redpanda and Decodable, see the following topics.


If you want to use the Decodable CLI or API to create the connection, you can refer to the Property Name column for information about what the underlying property names are. The connector name is redpanda.
  1. From the Connections page, select the Redpanda connector and complete the following fields.

    UI Field Property Name Description

    Connection Type


    Select Source to use this connector to get data into Decodable.

    Bootstrap Servers


    A comma-separated list of your Kafka brokers. You must enter at least one broker. Enter each broker in the format: :. For example: broker-a:9092,broker-b:9092

    The broker list can’t contain any spaces.



    A semicolon-separated list of one or more topic names to read data from.

    Broker Security Protocol


    Specify the security protocol to use when connecting to a broker. Must be one of the following:


    • TLS: See TLS properties for information about the additional fields you need to provide when using TLS.

    • SASL_SSL: See SASL properties for information about the additional fields you need to provide when using SASL.

    • SASL_PLAINTEXT: See SASL properties for information about the additional fields you need to provide when using SASL.

    For more information about the difference between these protocols, see the Security section.

    Value Format


    The format for data in Redpanda that you want to send to Decodable. Must be one of the following:

    • JSON

    • Raw

    • Avro

    • Debezium (JSON)

    If you want to send Change Data Capture (CDC) data through this connector, then you must select Debezium (JSON).

    Parse Error Policy


    Select the behavior that you want when Decodable detects a validation error in the incoming data. When set to FAIL, the connection will be stopped. When set to IGNORE, the connection continues to run and send records, however, invalid records are ignored.

    Scan Startup Mode


    Specifies where to start reading data when the connection is first started, or when it’s restarted with the state discarded.

    Must be one of the following:

    • group-offsets: Start reading data from a specified group consumer.

    • earliest-offset: Start reading data from the earliest available point in the stream.

    • latest-offset (default): Start reading data from the latest available point in the stream.

    • timestamp: Start reading data from a specific timestamp.

    • specific-offset: Start reading data from a specific offset value.

    Consumer Group ID

    The group ID used by the consumer. Optional, unless the Scan Startup Mode is set to group-offsets.

    Consumer Offset Reset Strategy

    Select the behavior that you want when there is no initial offset in Redpanda (such as with a new consumer group) or if the specified offset doesn’t exist (for example, if the data has been deleted).

    1. Select the stream that you’d like to connect to this connector. Then, select Next.

    2. Define the connection’s schema. Select New Schema to manually enter the fields and field types present or Import Schema if you want to paste the schema in Avro or JSON format.

      1. The stream’s schema must match the schema of the data that you plan on sending through this connection.

      2. For more information about creating a stream or defining the stream schema, see Create and manage Streams.

    3. Select Next when you are finished providing defining the connection’s schema.

    4. Give the newly created connection a Name and Description and select Save.


Redpanda connections may optionally enable TLS, which encrypts all network traffic between Decodable and the brokers. In addition, the Redpanda connector supports mutual TLS (mTLS) which acts as a bidirectional mode of authentication with the brokers. To configure an mTLS connection, Decodable either provides a self-signed certificate or a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) which you can sign to create a certificate for use with your brokers. See the How To guides for more information.

SASL properties

When configuring a Redpanda connection to use How to set up SASL Authentication with Kafka, the following connection properties are used.

UI Field Property Name Description

SASL Mechanism


Specify the SASL mechanism as configured by the Redpanda broker. Supported values are:


  • SCRAM-SHA-256

  • SCRAM-SHA-512

SASL Username


The provided username or API key for authentication.

SASL Password


The ID of the secret resource containing the password. If you are using the Decodable CLI, this is the ID of a secret resource in your account. Run decodable secret list to view available secrets or decodable secret --help for help with creating a new secret.

Note: For security purposes, Decodable will never display secret values in plaintext. You can manage which users have permissions to create, delete, or modify secrets in the Access Control management view. See Roles, groups, and permissions for more information."

TLS properties

When configuring a Redpanda connection to use mTLS or TLS, the following connection properties are used.

UI Field Property Name Description

Broker Certificate

The broker’s public certificate used to encrypt traffic between external Redpanda brokers and Decodable. This property is only used when security.protocol=TLS.

TLS Client Certificate


Specify the client certificate used by Decodable to connect to external Redpanda brokers with mTLS.

TLS Client Key


The ID of the secret resource containing the client key. If you are using the Decodable CLI, this is the ID of a secret resource in your account. Run decodable secret list to view available secrets or decodable secret --help for help with creating a new secret.

Note: For security purposes, Decodable will never display secret values in plaintext. You can manage which users have permissions to create, delete, or modify secrets in the Access Control management view. See Roles, groups, and permissions for more information."


Specify the client certificate signed by the broker. This property is required when tls.client.certificate.type=CSR.

Connector starting state and offsets

When you create a connection, or restart it and discard state, it will read from the position in the topic as defined by scan startup mode. By default this is latest-offset and will therefore read from the end of the topic.

Learn more about starting state here.