MySQL source connector Features Connector name mysql-cdc Delivery guarantee Exactly once Supported task sizes S, M, L Multiplex capability A single instance of this connector can read from multiple tables and databases. See Ingesting data from multiple tables. Supported stream types Change stream Configuration properties If you are using the CLI to create or edit a connection with this connector, you must use the declarative approach. You can generate the connection definition for the resources that you want to ingest using decodable connection scan. Use the properties below to configure the connector. Refer to the documentation for instructions on creating and editing connections. Property Description Required Default Basic host The host of the MySQL server Yes port The port of the MySQL server — 3306 database-name The name of the database — username The username to use to authenticate to MySQL Yes password The password associated with the username. This must be provided as a secret resource. Yes ssl-mode Specifies how the connector should handle secure connection to the database server. Must be one of the following: DISABLED: Establish unencrypted connections. PREFERRED: Establish encrypted connections if the server enabled them, otherwise fall back to unencrypted connections. REQUIRED: Establish secure connections if the server enabled them, fail otherwise; VERIFY_CA: Like REQUIRED but additionally verify the server TLS certificate against the configured Certificate Authority (CA) certificates. VERIFY_IDENTITY: Like VERIFY_CA, but additionally verify that the server certificate matches the host to which the connection is attempted. — PREFERRED Advanced scan.startup.mode Specifies where in the collection to start reading data when the connection is first started, or when it’s restarted with the state discarded. Must be one of the following: initial: At startup, takes an initial snapshot of monitored database tables, then continuously reads the latest binlog entries thereafter. latest-offset: Avoids taking an initial snapshot of monitored database tables upon startup. Instead, reads changes from the end of the binlog, capturing only the modifications made since the connector was initiated or restarted. timestamp: Bypasses the snapshot phase and initiates reading binlog events directly from a specified timestamp. — initial scan.startup.timestamp-millis The timestamp to start reading data from, specified in milliseconds since Unix time Required if scan.startup.mode is timestamp server.timeZone The global time zone of the database server. This controls how time-related values are read from your database. This must be equivalent to the output of the following query on your database: SELECT @@global.time_zone; — UTC Prerequisites Your MySQL database must be accessible from the Decodable network. Connectivity options include AWS PrivateLink, SSH tunnels, and allowing connections from the Decodable published IP addresses. Your MySQL instance must be configured to send change records. See Setting up MySQL from the Debezium documentation. If you are using Amazon RDS, Automated Backups must be enabled. Otherwise, the binlog won’t be enabled regardless of any other settings. See How To: Set up a MySQL CDC connection on Amazon RDS for detailed instructions on how to configure MySQL on Amazon RDS. Your MySQL user must have sufficient permissions for CDC replication. Ingesting data from multiple tables A single instance of this connector can read from multiple tables and databases. If you are using the CLI to create or edit a connection with this connector, you must use the declarative approach. You can generate the connection definition for the resources that you want to ingest using decodable connection scan. Resource specifier keys The following resource specifier keys are available: Name Description database-name The database name table-name The table name Metadata fields If decodable connection scan is run with --opt with-metadata-fields=true then each of the following metadata fields will be added to the streams. These can be useful when mapping multiple tables to a single Stream, and when tracking record update times. Name Description _decodable_database Source database _decodable_table Source table _decodable_op_ts Timestamp of ingestion. Defaults to 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 for all existing records in the upstream table. All records inserted or updated following the initial connection activation will be populated with the UTC-based timestamp of the operation. The _decodable_database and _decodable_table metadata fields are added to the Stream primary key as well. Binlog retention If the connection is stopped or in a failed state for longer than the binlog’s retention period, the connection will fail when it’s restarted. This is because for CDC to work it needs a contiguous series of binlog entries. If you want to restart the connection in this situation you must discard its current state. By doing this, the initial snapshot of the required tables will be taken again and then the binlog used for subsequent reads. To do this do, one of the following: In the Decodable Web UI, select Start and under Starting State select Reset current state and start from the initial state In the Decodable CLI, do one of the following: Use connection activate and add the --force flag, for example: decodable connection activate cef0e708 --force or Use query with a suitable specifier for the connection (such as --name) and add the --operation reset-state argument, for example: decodable query --name customers-source --operation reset-state Connector starting state and offsets When you create a connection, or restart it and discard state, it will read from the database based on the configuration of the scan startup mode. By default this is initial and will therefore snapshot the set of monitored tables and read the binlog thereafter. Learn more about starting state here. Data types mapping The following table shows the Decodable data types that are generated from the corresponding MySQL data types. MySQL Type Decodable Type TINYINT TINYINT(>1) TINYINT SMALLINT TINYINT UNSIGNED SMALLINT INT MEDIUMINT SMALLINT UNSIGNED INT BIGINT INT UNSIGNED BIGINT BIGINT UNSIGNED DECIMAL(20,0) FLOAT FLOAT DOUBLE DOUBLE DECIMAL(p, s) NUMERIC(p, s) DEC(p, s) FIXED(p, s) DECIMAL(p,s) BOOLEAN TINYINT(1) BIT(1) BOOLEAN BIT(>1) BYTES YEAR INT DATE DATE TIME[(p)] TIME[(p)] TIMESTAMP [(p)] DATETIME [(p)] TIMESTAMP[(p)] CHAR(n) CHAR(n) VARCHAR(n) VARCHAR(n) BINARY(n) BINARY(n) VARBINARY(n) VARBINARY(n) TINYTEXT TEXT MEDIUMTEXT LONGTEXT STRING TINYBLOB BLOB MEDIUMBLOB LONGBLOB BYTES JSON ENUM SET STRING GEOMETRY POINT LINESTRING POLYGON MULTIPOINT MULTILINESTRING MULTIPOLYGON A String representation: {"srid": <>, "type": "<>", "coordinates": [<>, <>, ...] } where: srid: the Spatial Reference System (SRS) in which the geometry is defined (defaults to 0 if no srid is specified in the spatial value) type: the spatial data type (GEOMETRY, LINESTRING, etc) coordinates: the coordinates of the spatial data GEOMETRYCOLLECTION A String representation: {"srid": <> , "type": "GeometryCollection", "geometries": [ {"type":"<>","coordinates":[<>, <>, ...]} ]}