Manage Secrets
In some cases, you must authenticate to external data sources through Decodable in order for Decodable to access that data. Instead of directly entering your credentials into Decodable, you can use Decodable secrets to store your credentials and reference them when you configure a connection. You can manage secrets using Decodable Web or the Decodable CLI. For help with managing secrets with the Decodable CLI, run decodable secret --help
For security purposes, Decodable will never display secret values in plaintext.
You can manage which users have permissions to create, delete, or modify secrets in the Access Control management view. See Roles, groups, and permissions for more information.
Edit a Secret
You can edit any credentials stored as secret values or update the name and description associated with them by completing the following steps.
Navigate to the Secrets page.
To update the secret value, select the More Options dropdown (…) > Set Value in the row that corresponds to your secret resource. Enter the new secret value and select Set to continue.
To edit the name and description associated with a secret, select the More Options dropdown (…) > Edit in the row that corresponds to your secret resource. Enter a new Name and Description, and then select Update to continue.
Delete a Secret
You can delete a secret by completing the following steps. Before deleting the secret, double check that the secret isn’t being referenced in any active connections. If you delete a secret that’s in-use, then the connection will fail.
Navigate to the Secrets page.
In the row that corresponds to your secret resource, select the More Options dropdown (…) and select Delete.
Decodable returns a message confirming that your secret was deleted successfully.
Configure a new or existing connection to use a new or existing Secret
You can add a connection credential when you create a new connection or when you update an existing connection. Connection credentials are stored as secrets.
You can add new credentials in any of the following ways:
As part of the connection creation process or from the Details tab of an existing connection.
When you are creating a connection using Decodable Web, any time a connection asks you to provide a credential, for example a password or a private key, you can select an existing secret or create a new one.
You can also create a new secret by navigating to the Details tab of an existing connection, selecting a property that accepts a secret value as input, and then selecting Add a new secret.
Selecting Add a new secret on the Secrets page.
Using the Decodable CLI. Run
decodable secret create –help
for usage information.
You can update a credential that a connection uses by doing the following steps.
Navigate to the Connections page.
Select the row corresponding to the connection that you want to modify.
If the connection is Running, stop it. Any changes you make to a connection’s properties, including changing the secret value, won’t be picked up until you restart the connection.
Select Details to view the connection’s properties.
Find the property that contains the secret value that you want to modify.
Select the dropdown, and then select a different secret for this connection to use.
Alternatively, you can also create a new secret by scrolling to the top of the secrets list and selecting Add a new secret.
If you were updating the credentials for an active connection, you must restart the connection to pick up the new credential.
You can also update a credential value from the Secrets page. If you update a credential value, make sure to restart any connections that are using the credential.